Friday, February 22, 2013

My first day in the classroom for 2013!

It was one of those classes.  Mostly good kids with one or two who want to misbehave and 3 students somewhere on the Autism spectrum.  All indicators were that it wasn't going to be an easy day but I wasn't facing insurmountable odds, one of the Autistic students has an aide so there was plenty of help on hand!

The regular teacher also knows me and respects my classroom skills so the lesson plan I got basically amounted to "just make sure you do some descriptive writing and the rest is up to you".  I love these teachers to death!  Free reign to flex my Teaching strategies and give the kids a really enjoyable day (and have one myself)!

The other reason I love these days, even when they could be a little difficult, is it gives me reason to think and I "get ideas".  I found 2 new books to do lesson plans around and the kids have a wonderful time!

Now I just have to knuckle down and write them out :P.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Today's video: Adding to your Makaton Sign bank!

My first Makaton video, "using Sign Language as an engagement tool" can be found here.

